Doctors For Migraine In Bagh

How can I find treatment of Migraine?

Migraines are often described as severe headaches, and while head pain is the most common symptom of migraine, other symptoms can also occur. It is a neurological condition that manifests as a throbbing, pulsating headache on one or both sides of the head. It can last for a few hours and, in severe cases, for days.

Migraine Facts and Figures

According to an article from the Journal of Pain and Therapy, migraines are extremely common with a 15% prevalence around the globe. People of Asian countries like Pakistan are more likely to experience migraines. Some further facts and statistics about migraine in Pakistan have been listed below:

Prevalence of Migraine in Pakistan22.70%
Common inAdults
At-Risk GenderFemales
Average Age for DiagnosisBefore 50 years
Problems related to MigraineHeart attack, high blood pressure, heart diseases
Specialists Who Treat MigraineNeurologists