my son is 1-year-old n he is addictive of sand eating plz suggest me any syrup so which helps him to leave this habit
Aoa niece is 3 years old.and weighs 11 kg. from the past 6 months she is sick.she had a severe blockage in chest.she was treated with hyzonate inj. nd nebulized. she was admitted in 2 hospitals nd they were also looking...
Aoa. My baby girl is 10 months old. And from past less than 1 month i have noticed that she shivers while passinv urine. Im worried is it normal for a baby to shiver while passing urine.
my daughter 3.3 yrs is having pain in lower stomach with on n off low fever max.100 since friday gave her N.T. tox syrup prescirbed on phone by a doctor but today on having fever took her to doctor who prescribed ant acid by sying s...
A.O.A my baby ages 4 months 4 days old and he is passing green colour stool once a day since 3 days...4 days back he was get vaccinated...what's the reason of stool colour and plz let me know soon plz...stool colour is just like (ka...
My son is 5 months old and he is on mother Feed.when i feed my son other things Except mother milk.
My son aged 18 months is iron deficient (hb 7.6) I noticed when he started eating paper tissue n walls n doing this from last 3 monhs. His reports are attached. I consulted to doc who after watching cbc report said us to have hb ele...