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Asking for Self, Female, 25 years old, Rawalpindi
I am 28 weeks pregnant and my doc has prescribed me loprin for 1 month. My baby is SGA as well. My query is why am I being prescribed loprin whereas my bp is 100/70? Is there anything to worry about?
Tablet Loprin increases blood flow to the fetus so no worries.
It will improve the growth of the baby
It has various indications like 1)to prevent fetal growth restriction 2) prevent still birth 3) prevent pre-eclampsia 4) preterm labor.... Continue this medication.
Loprin is given to enhance blood supply to baby..
loprin is blood sga babies we give loprin to increase fetomaternal blood circulation
loprin has no effect on your blood pressure take this medicine on regular basis as your gynaecologist suggested
it's ok .u should take .it's blood thinner
loprin is advised for u becoz ur doc wants to promote good growth of ur baby...but u shud b probed why is ur baby SGA?
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