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Asking for Self, Male, 24 years old, Lahore
Aoa, I am a computer tech person and sometimes I felt pain in my head (only in the right half) and the pain is very swearing, is it something I need to worry about? Kindly let me know about the problem and suggest a medicine if possible. Thanks
Its migraine half headache so dnt worry about it just stay in ur daily
routine dont change ur routine its simple and best solution for it
Aoa will require a thorough examination followed by investigations however may try Tab Tylol 2 twice a day
your complaint suggest migraine headache. you need preventive medication. consultation required.
Aoa need a thorough examination and investigations to reach a diagnosis
Take rest. Do some on chair straining exercise. Get your eyesight checked
Tab Exapro 5mg daily at night for 10 days .
For further discussion we can have a session on sunday at 11am at chaudhary
hospital bilal ganj lahore
Anonymous User
Kindly first monitor your BP for two days, and take fresh juices and fresh
fruit for two days continuously for two days, after two days kindly contact
Specialities:* Diabetes* Thyroid* Obesity* Cholesterol* Other Hormonal Issues
The Indus HospitalDaily Time 01:00 to 08:00 PM
Shamsi Hospital Mon, WedTime 8:30 to 10:00 PM
Kharadar General HospitalTue, ThursTime 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Taj Consultants Clinic, Gulshan e IqbalMon, Wed, Frid 10:00 AM to 12:00PMTue, Thu9:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Burhani Diagnostics, SadarTue, ThursTime 09:30 to 10:30 AM
Call for appointments042-32591427,
but doctor, sometimes the pain is not bearable... Can you recommend any medicine or exercises to overcome it?
1 month ago