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Asking for Self, Female, 20 years old, Lahore
20 years old female with paternal history of constipation. Happened to mr almost an year ago doc prescribed some meds and duphalac. It resolved then. But from 2 months now, i am constipated most of the time. If i take duphalac at night, pass loose stool in the morning and then feel like my rectal muscles have tightened. M always bloated. Belly is like 2 inches increased due to bloating and i feel hungry but due to my stomach or indigestion whatever i can't eat. Even water feels to retain in stomach
Assalamoalaikum, hi, there could be multiple reasons for the said complaints. But given your age group, it just might be diet related. Also, I would require a detailed history about your cycle.
Though try to stop taking Syp. Duphalac, over long term use, it loses it's efficacy, and stops working for the individual.
If you would like to discuss in detail, an online appointment can be scheduled via Marham.
Anonymous User
my cycle is perfectly okay. If i stop duphalac i do not pass stool . Have tried isphagop garm pani etc.
Need your more symptoms and history to treat your problems so take appointment through marham for proper treatment inshaAllah you will be better in couple of weeks
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