The swelling on my body and the pins will tell you some treatment to remove the swelling. Pain in the abdmin and urine is yellow and Foam in urine
Kidney swelling and kidney both kidneys...all test done creatinine is 1.1 and blood urea is 24..what should i do bcoz this is for 6 months almost.. i had a mild fever.. i take every kind of antibiotic age is 32 fem...
My mother has been suffering from renal kidney disease from the last 15 years. She has recently suffered a heart attack and the doctors recommended her to have angiography / angioplasty done. However, doctors said that during the pr... son hv problem with protein in his urine.....since last week....He has swelling on his eyes and face for almost 2...3 tests his protein in urine is almost 400.... Plz tell me what to do....can we come for chec...