Doctors For Hypertension - High Blood Pressure In Alipur

How can I find treatment of Hypertension?

Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. The force with which blood puts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels is called blood pressure. The high blood pressure or hypertension increases the rate of heart diseases, and strokes. The pressure depends on the work of the heart and the resistance of the blood vessels. The normal range for blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. This slightly differs as you age. However, any reading above 130/85 consistently should not be ignored.

Hypertension and heart disease are global health problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports points out that increasing salt in the diet plays a major role in hypertension. It is a long-lasting condition that mostly does not show significant symptoms. But it is really dangerous and also known as the silent killer as it can cause:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Permanent vision loss
  • Kidney problem

Lifestyle changes like maintaining healthy body weight, decreased salt intake, proper physical activity, regular exercise, and a healthy diet with appropriate medications can help to reduce blood pressure and the associated risk of complications.

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